PLEASE NOTE: This product produces REAL fire, and as such it must be used responsibly. This is meant to be used by trained professionals with all necessary safety measures in place. Not to be sold to anyone under 21 years of age. By purchasing this product you are acknowledging your understanding and agreement and confirm that you meet these requirements.
This is a hazardous materials product. Please note that shipping HAZARDOUS MATERIAL may increase your shipping charge. Depending on what HAZARDOUS MATERIAL is shipped and your country's postal code is what will determine which carrier is used (UPS or FEDEX) and the shipping service (Ground, Express, Priority, Two-day, Express Priority Overnight, etc). UPS & FEDEX ships HAZMAT internationally! Depending on your country's postal code, additional paperwork might be required to pass through customs.
Approximately the thickness of kite string, this cord can be used to produce a magician's silk or many other cool looking effects!
Perfect for creating a "Fuse Burning" effect: simply treat the wet Flash Cord with Electric Sparkle Additive and allow to dry as normal.
Burn Rates:
- 4" / second, Horizontal
- 24" / second, Vertical
Pack Contains 10 Feet Of Product.